For Gods glory!

Hey everyone! Its been a lovely week for me, how was yours?

This week I thought I'd share with you an experience, that although may seem so insignificant, God used to teach me something that I'm sure many of you, particularly myself, could be reminded of! Let me set the scene...

I was playing the piano this friday evening as best as I could. I started off just practicing the songs I learnt quietly to myself (I love the piano and thank God for the gift he has given me!) and before I knew it myself, I realised I was playing with a selfish heart hoping that my family would 'notice' me! I must admit I played for a while, all the time thinking they were listening to me. It was awful quiet, so I played a bit more, thinking they must have been enjoying it! After I finished, I started walking to my room, after pausing to peek into my brothers room. To my surprise, he wasn't listening to it at all, all that time! Instead he had his ear phones in, listening to his own music!! Feeling quite rejected and disappointed, I dragged myself to my room. Looking for some sort of encouragement, I grabbed one of my most favorite books, called 'His Princess' By Sheri Rose Shepherd. I sat there in thought, asking God all sorts of silly questions. "Why have you given me this gift of piano lord, if I can't even get others to appreciate it? Why bother playing if no one listens anyway? Why lord?" After praying for only a few seconds, I opened the book I had in front of me and the first page I came to was definitely what I needed to hear! (Ps. Because the page is too long, let me choose the most meaningful sentences.)

My Princess...
You Don't have to fit in~

I know you want to be accepted by others, but you were not made to fit in. You, my Princess, were created to stand out, not to draw attention to yourself, but live the kind of life that leads others to me...You can put on your crown at any time and let people know you belong to me...


Your King and Crown Giver

It also came with a verse. This verse really opened my eyes!

"Am I now trying to win the approval of me, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10 NIV

After having read that, it really lifted my spirits, knowing that God cares about our struggles in life, to be seen as someone special, to be noticed, praised, appreciated and accepted! It was then, that I realised that, YES, God intends for us to share our gifts with others, but not to win the approval of others, but of God - to lead others to him!

Until next time! 

Yours Truly,



  1. Wow. That is a very good thing to remember, I've never heard that verse before, but I'll sure try not to forget it!

  2. Hi Sister Riarna! That was a really good object lesson that you posted- it really helped me because I used to do the same thing when I was smalled (especially when we had company). So thankyou Riarna for sharing! :) Your Sister, Lucinda xD

  3. Hey Riarna! I'm stopping by your blog for the first time, and it really caught my attention....I love the article you just wrote, really beautiful and inspiring! I also love playing the piano, and I always hope to use these gifts for His glory. Feel free to check out my blog and tell me what you think!

    Ashley B,

  4. This is beautiful, Riarna. Nice to find your corner of the web, and see you're using it for the King! :) It was a blessing to meet you at D&D... Keep your eyes on heaven!!

  5. I just found your blog. This is very inspiring, and I hope to be able to read more posts from you! :-)


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Hey! I'm Riarna. I'm a Christian 16 year old Teen Girl, crazy about life, but most of all, the Lord! I have a passion for God, and as a Teen it is all too easy to forget the one who gave his life for us, and believe its important to encourage others in their walk with God! Together, lets discover how to Connect with God on a Deeper level, as Teens how to stay faithful, and how we can share our passion with others! Xx