
Hi, I'm Riarna 

Hey there, I'm Riarna and I'm so thrilled you stopped by! I'm an eager 16 year old Teen Girl..crazy about life, and the maker of all, God! Lets just say..without God, I would't be here! And that's why I'm here today, to share with y'all a small glimpse of life, and to spread meaning, passion and a Hope in the one who cares deeply for each of us! And I'm just so excited to be apart of it all..but first let me introduce myself!

I'm a Seventh Day Adventist 15 year old Teen Girl, Pastor's Daughter, second eldest of four Siblings, living in New South Wales! I often move around a lot, so I enjoy the new adventures, and making life long memories! <3 I now home school (since this year) and so far its been amazing! 

What's this all about?

So What's this Blog about?

I've been passionate about Blogging for ages, and believe God has given me a small part in inspiring others for his kingdom. I'm a sinner like anyone else..I more than sometimes muck up, and sometimes give up, but thats life, and we all do sometimes. But that's way besides the point..We have a burning hope in the one who immensly loves us..

I've been through a lot in my life..but I'm always being drawn back to God. He's the one that has always been there for me, and the one that will always be there for you. At the end of the day, God is all you have, trust me, I wouldn't even be here typing right now..if it weren't for the one who died for me.

So through this Blog God willing, I hope to share with you my Journey, and why I believe in such an extrodinary God..As a teenager, it is all too easy to forget why we are here, what our purpose is in life, how we can share Gods love, and how we can stay on track..I'm NO WAY NEAR PERFECT, but FAR from it. Yet I believe in an ALMIGHTY God who moves mountains. Here I hope to inspire young Teens, and share Gods love..

So I hope you've learnt a bit about me, I can't wait to get to know you all beautiful people

Only Jesus 
Can turn...
A mess to a Message,
a test into a testimony
a trial into a triumph
a victim into a victory
He is worthy to be praised!



  1. Thanks for telling about yourself sis!!! Just don't forget me! haha I never knew the Gold Coast was so nice!


  2. Thanks sis! I didn't forget you, trust me ;) Yea, it is nice here! :) really green!

  3. Hi Riarna,
    You probably don't know me, but maybe Lucinda told you about me :) I am her other adopted sister. ;) I really like your blog!! Very nice!
    PS I was Lucinda's consultant about the idea of this blog ;)

  4. Hi Sara :) Yes, lucinda told me about you! Thanks Sara, glad you like my blog! still haven't finished it yet though ;) thanks.

  5. Hey Ree, it's great to see that you have a blog up and running! well ttyl, miss u. Rae xo

  6. I really like how you made this website Riarna!

  7. Hey Riarna, first off thank you for commenting on my blog! Also, your blog is really fun, I'm enjoying looking around it. =D I LOVE the color Purple to! Not a lot of people do though. =D
    Anyway, thank you!


  8. Great blog! I'm so glad that I found it and I can't wait to read more! I'm also hopping to publish a book when I get older! Have a wonderful day!!

    I LOVE that little thing about Jesus on the bottom!!



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Hey! I'm Riarna. I'm a Christian 16 year old Teen Girl, crazy about life, but most of all, the Lord! I have a passion for God, and as a Teen it is all too easy to forget the one who gave his life for us, and believe its important to encourage others in their walk with God! Together, lets discover how to Connect with God on a Deeper level, as Teens how to stay faithful, and how we can share our passion with others! Xx