The Humming Bird
I've realised that I haven't posted anything new in quite a while, and just this week, I've been wondering what I could share with you all. After watching this nature video, that I watched this week, it inspired me to post about the Humming Bird, so I hope you enjoy!
Have you ever wondered just how intelligent and precise our Father in Heaven is?
A few days ago, I watched a nature video called "God of Wonders", which showed specific examples, of how wondrous Gods nature really is. One creature in particular really captured my attention, the Humming Bird. As I share with you some of the AMAZING abilities these tiny birds have, I'm sure, just as I have, You will appreciate Gods wisdom, his love and his creation, ever more~
Did you ever pause to think, just how MANY different types of humming birds that exist in this diverse world? Let alone all the other Millions of birds and other creatures! This bird is the T-i-n-n-i-e-s-t bird in the world, yet it has amazing ability like no other bird! Yes, just by one creature, you can see how much God loves to create!
God has given these special birds, a unique ability to fly. Often hovering over sweet flowers, these birds can move mighty F-a-s-t! Darting this way, and that way, God has created the Humming bird with wings like no other. They can fly not only forwards, but backwards, sideways, vertical, upside down and probably, just about any angle! They can even rotate their wings in a full circle, which most other birds can't perform!
Everyone in some point, has had the pleasure of watching the Humming bird fly. They fly F-a-s-t. But how fast? The video showed that they can flap their wings up to 200 times per SECOND - what an amazing bird, but what an AMAZING creator!!
God has also given these birds, the ability to eat nectar from sweet nectar flowers, by hovering in mid air, while feeding, without landing, they can do this A-l-l day, and they spend 90% of their energy through flying, which is why they spend most of their time near flowers, feeding off the nutritious sweet nectar that God has provided.
With the ability of flight, God has enabled these tiny creatures (sometimes as small as a penny!) to remember every flower that they have ever visited to get nector from. They are so smart, that not only can they remember each individual flower, but also can determine when they will next be ready to receive nector from! Very intelligent birds indeed - that only a intelligent God could have created!
You know, with all the amazing abilities these Humming birds have, God has given each type, a different aray of colours, patterns, sizes and types, just as each human being is unique, different and SPECIAL in each amazing way. Just as these Humming birds have special abilities, God has given EVERY person special abilities, whether that be sharing his gospel, singing, playing music, or even as simple as a bright smile - God has not forgotten ANYONE and through his creation, reminds us each day, that he believes that no matter how small you are, like the humming bird, he believes that Everyone is important and special - - - Don't EVER doubt that He loves you!
God is an amazing creator, intelligent, loving and wise, to have created such amazing creatures. I hope today that reflecting on Gods nature, such as the Humming Bird, that we can really appreciate Gods nature and his love, and Passion for his creation, evermore! He Loves you~
Yours Truly,
Riarna ~